History of LeRoy

On February 2, 1873, the village of LeRoy was incorporated by an act of the state Legislature. The first officers of the newly incorporated village were President James E. Bevins; Clerk L.D. Dill; treasurer G.W. Kellogg; trustees G.W. Averill, H.M. Patrick and Anthony Wenzel; street commissioners James Corbin E. M. Braden, Godfrey Gundrum and George Merill; assessor Walter Evans; constable M. W. Westfall; and Marshall John Glerum. The village was platted by James E. Bevins on Dec. 30, 1873. This plat was made up of 40 acres. This date coincides with Groundhog Day.
For a more in-depth history of LeRoy and the surrounding area, contact the LeRoy Historical Society.
History of the Chamber of Commerce

Although early records cannot be found to substantiate an exact date, it is thought that the LeRoy Area Chamber of Commerce was organized during the early 1950s. Its multi-purposes were to promote a healthy business climate for local merchants, foster greater participation of residents at sponsored activities, expose the local businesses to the economics and activities promoted by surrounding communities. Early Chamber meetings were dinners held at the LeRoy school cafeteria. At first, these meals were served by local church groups, but later they became pot lucks. Early Chamber activities included a yearly Mayor Exchange Day with nearby towns of similar sizes to exchange ideas, information and solutions on various issues and participating in Razzasque Days the second weekend in July, which was revived as a yearly town celebration in 1973. Over the years, the Chamber as been involved in numerous events and promotion of activities community-wide to support and improve the business environment for the LeRoy area.

Due to lack of volunteer support, the most recent Chamber of Commerce board disbanded in February 2013. However, this website was a major project of this most recent Chamber board. Since it’s disbandment, a local business, Kelso Media, who created the page, has taken back responsibility for it’s content and management. It is our desire to provide all LeRoy Area businesses and organizations the opportunity to have a professional web presence to promote growth and commerce in our area. If you are interested in learning more about participating in this website, please contact Kelso Media for more information.